Author: luismma

Virtual Reality – Diabetic App

In 2020, I developed a cutting-edge mobile application in Unity tailored to assist in diabetes management for myself. This innovative app served as a comprehensive platform for monitoring glucose levels, insulin intake, and various health parameters linked to diabetes care by incorporating a server-based system so I could securely upload my health data, including blood sugar readings, dietary information, physical activities, and medication logs to a remote server. This ensured data accessibility and preservation, fostering informed decision-making for myself and healthcare providers.

An exceptional feature of the app was its integration with Virtual Reality (VR). Through this technology, I could connect to the server and visualize my health data in immersive VR environments. This unique approach allowed for a more engaging and interactive experience, with an innovative way to comprehend and analyze my health metrics.

Simulation: Sun and galaxies

The other day I was watching “Cosmos”. You know what it is ;). This time about sun’s magnetic fields and galaxies. So I started to search info about magnetic fields first and how they work to create the Sun rays and I wanted to try to do something similar with simulation and python. So, this is a Sun simulation based on sun’s magnetic fields with different parameters to get different kind of sun ray simulations.

Also, another big field I wanted to take a look was the creation of galaxies and how they could be created by using simulation. I built a system to make theses galaxies from a fluid simulation with python.


Also I tried to visualize this simulations in Unreal.

I’ll try to do the same to watch it with Hololens. I’ll post the result soon.

Thanks to my colleague Alex for helping me ;).


SanCarlosVR : Photogrametry and fluid simulation

We went to Santoña, Spain, last christmas. It is my wife’s village. Santoña is a bay and was a strategy napoleonic village in the napoleonic wars. Napoleonic army built a fort called San Carlos from where they shot cannonballs to other side of the bay, to english and spanish army. Finally, in 1814, the english army helped spain army to release Santoña from Napoleonics army. So, the other day we went to take some pics in the San Carlos fort to make some phogrammetry example. I took around 250 pics. It is a very beatiful place with several galleries similar what you are going to see in this video. For this video you only will see the hall. The dark area with the small window, in the video, is the place where napoleonics placed cannyons to shot to English and Spanish army when they come by sea or the other side in the bay. Next, I added the lava fluid simulation as well 😉

